We did it. Billiam and I weeded the camping trailer and packed our kayaks with only the bare necessities to stay at Stillwater site #45. Thursday Bill quit work early and we loaded up and headed up to Old Forge where we decided it was too late to camp. By the time we traveled the 10 mile dirt road to the boat launch it would be dark setting up the camp. So we got a cozy room at the hotel right there on the pond. After a fine meal of salad with fresh grilled tuna for me and a burger for Bill we went to see A Night At The Museum at the Old Forge theater. It was just OK. I was really impressed with the camera collection in the lobby!
So bright and early we got up and headed north to the Hard Times for breakfast then out to Stillwater!
After packing and icing and a short 20 minute paddle we were at the lovely site 45.
We had stopped at Dicks for two Swiss Gear self inflating mattress's which we learned that you need to let them self inflate on their own two or three times before using. Duh! Stupid company should of put that information on the out side of the box. So Bill had to blow them up!
We ate like kings! I pre-marinated a frozen filet mignon and chicken thighs which as they thawed they marinated! I also wrapped potatoes seasoned in olive oil and seasoning in foil to throw in the coals. Delish!
The gig went great at Mother Marion's as always! It was great to see all the local Stillwater folks and fun to meet new people.
One sure thing in the Adirondacks. You never know who you will bump into.
The same people who did the pig roast were there again. I've GOT to start writing down names as I'm so bad at remembering them! My Aunt "social butterfly" Loretta had a rolladex where she kept track of whomever she met! A little type A but not a bad idea.
We ended up getting our kayaks towed back to our camp site by Doug after the gig as it was raining an the water was really choppy. I can't remember his last name but I got a private gig on Labor Day weekend from him! I had to move all my sound equipment in and played in the dining room. Everyone loved it! I also met a nice bunch from the Raquatte Lake area that may be giving me a call to play on the 4th of July weekend. That will be a busy weekend!
So Sunday rolled in with a lovely mystical fluffy white fog and burned off to a piercing indigo sky! It was beautiful!
No WAY was I going home! We kayaked all day and put in at least nine miles! We discovered site 35 on an island to sign up next ! I'm hoping to get Jennifer and some more people! It would be a blast!
Sleeping in the night with bullfrogs croaking and Loons singing their midnight laments and the sound of water just is so relaxing and wonderful. A perfect balm for my sorrow trying not to worry about Nick.
I let him go for the weekend. I had too.
Today I broke down and put 25 bucks in his checking account and sent out his birth certificate and GED. Tough loving is the hardest thing to do. He needs to figure it out.
So the weekend was great!
We woke up Monday morning, packed up and kayaked in the rain back to Stillwater. It was good to sit a my car again and made me appreciate my shower and bed all the more. I can't WAIT for the next camping kayaking adventure again!
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