The Day Before Spring Before The Weathermen Got It Right
Snow day! Tuesday and Nick and I have the day off from Wampsville and Nick's weekly probation visit. I deserve this day as last week I got summoned for Grand Jury Duty in none other than my favorite place...Wampsville. So I'll be making the Wampsville trek two times a week for the next few...well however long jury duty takes.
Other than that, life is good! My summer music schedule is shaping up though I need to travel outside my comfort zone more and book further away.
My patience was put to test the last two weeks with Bill's 95 year old father shuffling about the house. He's a sweet old fella with many stories I've now heard over again and again. He loves my cooking and his biggest thrill is Judge Judy and Jeopardy. I would run and hide at the sound of both coming on to the TV. Two weeks is a long time for house guests no matter who they are... Well maybe not Johnny Depp or Cat Steven's in his prime.
I had my monthly gig at Georgetown last Friday that I may as well as have skipped as SU was playing Georgetown. I knew it was gonna be a slow night because of the game and after raising the back door of the Nitro and looking at my sound equipment I had neither the desire nor the energy to haul the heavy speaker or amp I played unplugged. The room isn't that big and I've always wondered if I could get away with good sound, unplugged. Well it wasn't bad wasn't good either. I'd rather play plugged in as a little help of the push of the sound system can work wonders. I've been wanting to sell my system but just never got around to it. At last I stacked the system up neatly in the corner of my studio and took a shot of it and slapped it up on Facebook an had it sold in less than ten minutes to an old Sherburne Earlville classmate of mine who grew up just down the hill from me on RT 12. Jimmy Kolet went in on the price of 500 bucks with another old bud of mine Eric Porter. The system could not have gone to better musicians and friends. So! Now I've got the Bose system ordered! I've tracked it and it should be in tomorrow but with all the snow it may come later in the week. I can't wait to break in the Bose! It's gonna sound awesome but more importantly I'll be able to lift it without killing myself.
In my boredom last night I decided to search for some color to help spring along as tomorrow is the first day of it. Some shots of some flowers that have graced my gardens.
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