I had NO intentions of blogging twice today after all I'm learning how to manage my addictions here after all mind you.
So much for that misty Sunday morning hike on the Brookfield Horse trail before heading out to my Grandmother's 95th birthday.
Right now with a creamy nutty Irishman cocktail in hand and two 200 milligram ibuprofens in my stomach I'm rather lucky to only be complaining of a stiff neck and a sore lower back.
After finishing up the last posted blog I grabbed my new salvation army green plaid shirt and tied on my hiking boots, grabbed my camera and fired up the subaroobie to head out to the trails. Living on this intersection out here in Sunny South Hamilton there have been accidents. Pussy Willow, Golden rod and other various saplings grow out of control everywhere out here in God's pocket. I totally don't mind. I know the village road crew does everything they can to keep our roads safe from fallen trees and backed up road trenches. I always hate it when its Excell and William's turn to be cleaned up as they dig all this wildlife up and leave it pretty muddy and raped looking.
Well Excell and Williams haven't had a turn lately and its a jungle out there.
I've lived on this intersection of feast or famine for over 15 years. The heart of this intersection is either dead quiet with only the sounds of insects and birds or busy with summer traffic of hay wagons and horse trailers. Its busy in the morning with a school bus an people heading for work and when I say busy I'm talkin maybe 5 to 10 cars in the morning and maybe 10 to 20 at night. Thats how far out I live. You know what?! I'm gonna count now the traffic if thats what you wanna call it!
So it all happened so fast but I backed out of the yard where I was parked. drove up to the stop sign... 50 feet stopped and made my left hand turn on to Excell and was hit an quicky transported to a movie like adventure through the secondary growth of scrub bushes ,golden rod and purple asters! I was in an accident!
I got hit by a fella hauling his souped up antique lawn mower on his way to Wheel Days at the Brookfield Fair Grounds!
Talk about sudden. I never saw it coming!
I'm ok. Couldn't believe how much I could shake!
Leigh and Bruce my favorite people were on their morning walk and heard the whole thing and were there for support.
Bottom line No one was hurt!
Well my neck aches.
So today will be a lost but glad to be alive day. The cop has issued his tickets an checked out our insurance companies. The tow trucks are gone an all is quiet again here in Sunny South Hamilton.
I've pulled up the crop of onions. Picked the last of the tomatoes. Chopped my garlic and will work on simmering a nice marinara.
Now I'm ready for another Irishman!
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