I'm thinking I have a pretty addictive personality.
I guess its ok as long as I keep the addictions healthy!
I was due for a cell phone upgrade in the spring so I picked a
Blackberry from the Verizon phone tree and became well...hooked. OK I know what your all thinking. How can a blackberry be healthy. I wanted to be able to check my emails while I was up in the Adirondacks. I know where all the secrete spots between Old Forge and Inlet back into Stillwater to get email.
I never let my kids have video games when they were little and its a damn good thing. I would of been the one playing. I discovered Brick Breaker on my black berry and well, trips to Utica or wherever go a little quicker! I make Bill drive.
Driving through Hamilton last week listening to the Colgate Radio Station I learned a new word for my beloved Blackbery.
Crack- berry! Why didn't I think of that! Perfect.
Blogging! Well this certainly is entertaining as well! I'm addicted to my camera an the two go very well together especially with my overactive brain.
Another monkey on my back is the Pioneer Woman. Her link is on my website. She's a hoot! Great recipes, stories, photography lessons, you name it!
My other addiction of late is hiking the Brookfield Horse trails.
These trails are maybe 3 miles from my house. For the last 15 summers I've witnessed endless trucks pulling horse cargo clankin by my house on their way to these trails. Seeing glimpses of the horses with their manes blowing inside their wheeled stalls always brought a lump to my throat as I loved riding when I was a kid. My cousins who lived across the road on Swan Hill had palominos. Golden Beauty was my first ride.
So last summer I went to these trails one day and discovered how lucky I was to have hundreds of miles literally in my back yard.
Just when I thought I couldn't live any farther out in the boondocks. I was venturing even further out hiking these trails!
An we don't even get the Post Standard delivered any more except on Sundays thats how far I am from a city.
Today being Sunday we got the paper all folded up like gray ribbon candy in the clear pink plastic bag. Bill is downstairs now with his cup of joe and a fresh ink smelling copy of the post safely tucked into his hands! One happy man I tell ya!
I'm going hiking!
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