Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Meetings....Many Many Meetings.

So Nick completed his 30 days in Conifer Park Rehab. Its the best thing he's ever done for himself. And his journey has just begun. So far Nick has gone to 5 meetings in the last two weeks since he returned home. He loves them and the support they give him. I keep my fingers crossed and worry like crazy he's gonna fall off the wagon and return to his old ways. Tonight is court. We will get past this whole thing one way or another. I shouldn't even be blogging this as there are so many people in this world with problems ten times worse than ours.
I have faith
Today, March 7th, the temps are in the high sixties. My lilacs buds are about to explode and the dead brown grasses from last year are glowing from underneath with that gorgeous spring color green of new grass pushing upwards. It's the kind of weather that makes you wanna make potato salad, put your gardening glove on, grill and have a camp fire!
I had a GREAT gig last night at the Colgate Inn that was well attended and well payed! I was a tad rusty from my usual winter semi retirement I do each year...but all in all it was a good time. I hope to play there again and so does my checking account.