Thursday, July 16, 2009


I'm so PROUD of my parents!
My mother is really kicking some hooked rug butt!
She has a booth every week in the Hamilton's Farmer's Market. She has done a show at the Hamilton Center for the Arts, The Barge Canal Coffee House and the Earlville Opera House.
She now has rugs for sale at the Fenimore Gift Shop and the Farmer's Museum in Cooperstown which is HUGE!
My father is in full support acting as her manager and I'm busy with her website and taking shots of rugs and inventory.
Who would of thunk 30 years ago I'd be an apprentice to a hooker!
Summer is literally flowing by with all the rain we've had. Nick is in Portland Maine and I'm home holding my breath. He did call the other night with news of a job working for a man who owns a lot of rental properties. He has his own apartment and is working off the security deposit. I'm can't give him anything more as I'm in the middle of good match of tough love. I'm winning! He needs to find his legs and stand independently. Everything I've given him is either sold, lost or stolen. I'm done.
Aurora is working her tail off and doing really well!
I'm holding out for the Bose!

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