Friday, April 15, 2011

Auroras 23rd Birthday

Paco Taco's and Tequila would of been proud. I cooked up a mexican feast yesterday for Aurora's birthday that was spot on!
Burrito's stuffed with slow cooked chicken thighs, breasts, yellow rice and colby jack cheese, with a sofrito cheese sauce over top,
refried beans with onion and chili's, mexican risotto with scallion, red pepper and cheddar. And blender's full of strawberry margaritas. Oma made brownie sundays and a great time was had by all!
The day started out with the season's first paddle down the Nine Mile Swamp which was greatly needed. The swamp is up a good three feet. The party tree near the end of the paddle (about an hour out) was underwater. We were kayaking the banks in some places. The beaver's have been busy with many sapling chewed down and beaver lodge's built up. We startled up several pair of Canadian geese and saw a brown mink. Yesterday was an awesome spring day!

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