Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Peace Signs Cherry Blossoms And A Hawk In The Capitol

We stopped in Arlington on the way home from Cocoa to visit with Bill's daughter Kelly and her fine family. Once we got through the white knuckle traffic jams and into the heart of Arlington and all it's suburbs, I relaxed and very much enjoyed the lifestyle there. Everything is close, compact and landscaped. The eateries vastly diverse. Museums and Galleries every where. Soaking up the sun in back of Kelly's adorable red brick home on a small yard, fence enclosed with gorgeous and gigantic old pin oaks, budded but not bloomed overhead, we decided to make the 10 minute trek in to the capitol so see the cherry blossoms. I gladly took the back seat with my camera to let Kelly take the wheel and for Bill and her to chat on the way in. Lou went once again under the seat. His seating choice through out the whole trip. Under the seat.
The capitol was buzzing away with tourists, school groups, paddle boaters and spy like business men milling around in the new spring sun. It seemed everyone was oblivious to the fact that the whole government was about to shut down not being able to pass the budget. Both Kelly and Steve work for the EPA and Kelly was worried about not getting her last pay check. Steve had gone to work that morning and reported that a cooper hawk had some how flown into the Congress Library. Strange sign of the time.
So here are a few shots... I Just love Kelly's peace sign shirt. We should all sport a peace sign shirt when we visit the capitol.

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