Friday, January 24, 2014

Out A Little Rough

The way the New Year started out. Hauling the wood wagon around the corner I slipped on the ice and went down leaving my index finger on my right hand sore and swollen but thankfully not broken. The next morning when I looked in the mirror I was horrified to find the white of my left eye blood red! I went to the emergency room to find out its common and nothing they can really do. I can't remember the word they call this condition but in time the blood will disperse. This happened on New Years day and now two weeks later it looks a lot better but still has a ways to go. I haven't worn lenses in two weeks! My sister Nancy had her double mastectomy which went well and she's on the mend. Other than that all is as good as can be for what ever normal is. I'm back up at Stillwater to play a few gigs and take some shots of snowmobiles and what ever Marian needs me to do. So happy to be here as always. My home away from home. I just love this shot of Marian and Joe! And as for the rest of the year, may it be filled with many, many happy moments in and out of the mountains. Cheers!

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