Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Last Days Of September

It's been a beautiful Indian Summer here in Central New York. Loving this time of the year! Bill and I had a so so crop this year. The garlic, Kale, swiss chard, potatoes, onions and tomatoes all did well. The pole string beans were awesome as well as the parsley, chives, oregano and mescaline mix. My basil sucked and I still can't grow a pepper to save my life. We are hoping to plow up a new area out back in the spring and start new. I have a few more gigs left up at Stillwater and a private party booked this Sunday at the Brackel for Mel Predmore who is an ole friend of the family. It should be a fun time! I had a gorgeous hike and said my morning prayers on the Brookfield horse trails which got badly bruised in the blowdown July third. Many many trees are down. A bipolar summer to say the least and it's fading fast. I'm hoping for another three or more foot of snow winter with many snowmobilers headed Stillwater way. Bring them on!

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