Friday, January 15, 2010

A Winter Hike Through Brookfield

I suppose this is a January thaw. Yesterday the sun was shining and the sky the most intense deep blue. It was a no brainer pulling on my winter hiking boots and gearing up for a winter hike! The trails were gorgeous! The black tree trunks slapped with snow as if they were in a giant snowball fight with mother nature. It wasn't a matter of how fast I hiked yesterday but a matter of how many times I stopped to just stand there breathing in deep the medicinal, brisk winter air. I am so blessed. Its hard to believe there is so much pain and suffering in other parts of the world while hiking through the beautiful winter painting of Brookfield.
Haiti. Poor, sad, broken Haiti. I met with Mark Shiner and a table full of Colgate people yesterday. We are planning a concert for Haiti to raise money on January 30th in the Colgate Chapel. We all were in agreement that SOMETHING should be done. Something.
They didn't like my snow angel idea. I still think its a good idea. To have the Colgate students pay 20 dollars a person for a snow angel with clothes on and 50 dollars a person to make a snow angel in their bathing suits. Imagine a football field of snow angels!
Oh well.
A concert of course will be great!
Here are a few shots of Brookfield. I did my snow angel beside the trail on the way back down. I like to think my snow angel got up and flew away. Hopefully helping some child down in Haiti.

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