Friday, March 4, 2011

Thank God For The Barge

Honestly...this winter has been relentless. White out's, snow banks half way up the door, below freezing temps, roof avalanches.
All I have to say is if the barge weren't here in town to escape to...I'd be crazy. Theres nothing better than to grab a table, set up office with a steaming pot of tea and listen to Colgate students talking about their classes and everything that Colgate students talk about. And to be able blog even if its about nothing.Takes me away from the drama of Nick and Aurora trying to make it in this f--ked up world of which I refuse to write about as it too upsetting. What I don't do for my kids with a tiny limited income. Life has NOT been easy being basically both mother and father to my children. Today's Nick drama is he doesn't have a bed. Him and his girlfriend broke up so he's back from Ithaca and living with a bunch of high school buddies renting a house that Stephen Joyce own's across from Price Chopper in Hamilton. I gave him a futon a while back and that disappeared as most everything I give him does. I'll pay his rent before I'll let him come home. And luckily rent is only 160.00 a month thank god! At least he's here in Hamilton where I can at least drop off food and keep him fed. He's so thin. All I want in life is for my children to be productive and happy. Aurora is employed. Nick has a hard time with everything. No jobs. Can't drive as he's had two accidents and can't afford insurance. It's tough to say the least.
So the barge is my official winter venting pad! There is a great art exhibit with quirky, whimsical paintings of different structures from around Hamilton hung. They almost look like a set design from Disney land or better yet a Dr. Zuess book painted by an artist by the name of Jon Iannitti. Wish I had a camera. Great stuff. Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams will be performing here this Saturday night. I'll be at Michaels watering down Waterville. Can hardly wait.

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