Friday, April 1, 2011

Extreme Weather And A Great Blue Herring In A Great Blue Pool

It seems I can't escape the severe weather where ever I go! It's the end of March and Central New York is hunkering in for another Nor-Eastern and here I sit in a Florida spanish stucco, under turbulent rolling thunderheads with tornado warnings gliding by in the bottom half of the tv news screen. The night before, the southern wind blew so hard it tipped over 40 planes at a nearby airport, ripped off many roofs and caused over 150 automobile accidents. Bill and I use his father's sun porch as our guest room when ever we come. I wouldn't trade this room in for nothing. It's my Florida camp ground enclosed in glass, overlooking the peaceful, therapeutic Banana River. I camp there with my trusty electric inflatable mattress. There's a small table and chairs for my laptop overlooking the Banana and the shimmering, swimming pool. Exotic to me birds singing in the swaying palms overhead and a landscaper man dead heading below. Even my Taylor guitar has a look of contentment! I'm reading the classic, Jane Eyre on the ole ipad. Happy hour starts at five, I'm panko breading some tilopia for dinner. Freshly wrapped sushi for hors-de-voirs... Oh God this all just makes me so freaking happy! I did talk with me mumsie this morning and it turns out the Nor-Eastern was only a dusting. This also makes me happy as I couldn't wish another foot load of snow on anybody after this cruel winter. I also think some of the CNY weather men need to go back to weather man school. Their hype gets to be a little much.
The first night in Cocoa the storm blew in, I was close to packing up heading for the couch in the living room. Sleeping out in a closed in glass porch during a tornado warning wouldn't be the smartest thing I've ever done. Luckily, the only thing that blew away on the condo was a screen which is in the very window at my head where I sleep. I'm glad it's gone and my Banana river view is clear and unhindered! This March's Florida storm is now on its way somewhere over the Atlantic and gratefully nothing like previous devastating storms of the past. Which brings to mind the bitch Katrina. Bill and I know all about that, escaping her by a mere day on our New Orleans adventure those years ago. Another story I can't go into as after two days of on vacation gray, this morning's sky is blue and the Banana River sparkles by, gifting me with curling dolphins, snorting manatee's and soaring jurassic park like prehistoric birds, quite humbling my little scrapper of a dog if I may add. It's a beautiful day! Time to leash him up and get out in it!

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