Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stillwater In March

Mother Marian with Rascal and Lou
Practicing some road patience
The ten mile dirt road to Stillwater
Eighteen years ago on St. Patrick's Day, I had my first date with Billiam. It was after the big snow storm of 93. I was bar tending at the Colgate Inn. Bill met me after my shift and we went to the Back Bacon Beer parlor in Hamilton to par take in the festivities. For some reason what sticks out in my head is the taunting I got from one of my first husbands buddies for being out with an older man. I can't remember this guys name now so it's really not important. I do know tho he still lives in a little house on one of the back roads that open up to Lake Morraine and he's still unmarried. I wouldn't trade the eighteen years with Bill for eighteen years of single life for nothing! I've raised my kids in a lovely home and have had a fine time entertaining, remodeling recording, gardening and everything else I do...I have a fine, if not simple life and am quite blessed.
Thursday, I packed up for an overnight in Old Forge, just to get away and celebrate a little. Wouldn't you know it, Lou is turning out to be a traveler dog just like my old dog Ed used to be! When ever we went anywhere, Ed would hop up into the car or van while no one was looking and actually hide inside only to reveal himself with a smile on his face ten miles or so down the road! Ed got to go many place's he shouldn't have using his stow away tactics. Lou, hasn't learned the stow away technique yet but boldly sits on the storage compartment in between the front seats that seems to have been made especially for him.
So north we went. Didn't do anything really special. To me it's just special being in those mountains. We had late lunch at Tony Harpers, bought a new book for our Adirondack book collection called Adirondack Ice by Caperton Tissot, and went a movie. Bill remembered to bring an old antique slide show projector thats been kicking around the house forever. Bill ended up with this old set from when he used to teach at Richfield Springs. Bill decided to donate this almost ancient device to the funky hippy dude that runs the Old Forge Movie Theater and has a vast collection of old cameras and projectors all over the entry way and hall ways to the different theaters. Its quite a remarkable collection! Bill's projector in its musty old leather case went to old audio heaven! A good home of old soul camera's and projectors. If they could only talk! That would be a Disney Movie!
The Old Forge Movie theater is also known for the old overweight but oh so friendly siberian husky that roams the isles in search for popcorn hand outs. How cool and down home is that!
The next day turned out to be a fine blue sky day. We leashed up Lou, who by the way is doing much better leashed and walked the town. After running into Mother Marian and running an errand of purchasing wasabi coated almonds from DiOrioles we then trekked over the river and though the woods (over frost heaved, dirt roads that made me think I might need a chiropractor at the end) we went. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must of been for women in the days of horse and buggy and corduroy roads, wearing the girdles and long dresses.
It was a short visit with Marian and Joe but much needed..As we said our good byes I mentioned to Marian that it was eighteen years ago yesterday (St. Patricks Day) that Bill and I had our first date. Marian just stood there with her beautiful smile and shining eyes and said...Joey and I had our first date 18 years ago yesterday too. Amazing! These little coincidences in life.

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